I couldn't stop myself from buying this really cute orange bracelet though. It says Zante 2014 on it which is perhaps a bit tacky and, as cheesy as it is, my friends all bought ones in different colours. It's a bit matchy-matchy but it's a nice reminder of the week (along with my horrific tan lines).
No beachy holiday is complete without a hair braid. I got one last year in St Ives for £13 (extortionate!!!) but this was only 7 euros, so something like just a bit over a fiver. The guy who did it was about 50 years old and was called Baran. He was such a babe and also did henna tattoos for my friends. I think it's really nice having a braid underneath your hair so that it's a bit more subtle and can be hidden when you want it to be, ie. prom on Friday.
I bought this really cute anklet for two euros fifty. I've been after a nice, delicate-looking anklet for a while and this fits the bill. I love the hamsa hands too and what they represent so I'm looking forward to wearing this. It has little bells too!
Our favourite bar on the strip was Cocktails & Dreams with its fabulous 50 cent shots and 1 euro cocktails. I loved it so much that I went and found the bar owner so I could buy a tshirt from him. I put it on and then (apparently) proceeded to pretend I worked there and tried to take people's orders. Cringaroonie.
But, by a long shot, my favourite buy was this fabulous pair of trousers. I'm in love with anything paisley print and I thought these were the cutest things I'd ever seen. They're so comfy and I think they're actually kind of flattering. I'm not too happy that they're a size XXL though - since when was a UK size 12 an extra extra large?! (Please don't judge me for the mess on my bedroom floor, I can't help it!)
And this, believe it or not, is everything I bought in Zante which wasn't edible or drinkable. If anyone knows where you can buy cute paisley things here in the UK, holla at me because I'm feeling a bit of an obsession coming on!
Song of the day:
The trousers and anklet are so cute, your floor is as bad as mine - glad I'm not the only one whose messy! ;P Glad you had a good time, so jealous! xxx