
Friday, 10 January 2014

The 1975 + tour tshirt!

Wow-ee, The 1975 were amazing! As pathetic as it is to admit, it was my first proper concert at an actual-proper-real venue, the Brixton Academy. It's times like last night when I'm so so happy that we live in London and that it's twenty minutes on the tube to get to somewhere like Brixton. (Thank you mum and dad for choosing to settle down here, you picked a bloody brilliant location.) My friends and I arrived super-early, surveyed the queue situation (very very short) and so popped up to McDonald's for a bit. When we came back, there were still only a few people standing outside so we joined them. By the time we were let in, the queue was snaking all the way around the building and then down the road, so we were practically next to the people at the back. The poor souls.


I'll be honest - even though it was about 17 hours ago - I don't remember any of the actual performance. No, I wasn't high or drunk or intoxicated at all... more like high on LIFE. All I know is I had a lot of fun and there was lots of jumping and dancing and singing and sweaty bodies and a girl's afro in my mouth??? (About six times, might I add) But it was so great. Here's a photo the band took last night. I'm somewhere in that crowd, about six rows of people away from the front, eg: v. close.

(The white parts above and below this photo are so annoying!) I don't want to sound boring and unoriginal but, like the majority of 1975 fans, my favourite song is Chocolate so it all went a bit wild when they played it. It's pretty much the only song of theirs I'm word perfect on, and being able to sing along always makes everything ten times better. I also freaking loved the second support act, a band named Swim Deep, so I'll probably be writing a lot about them later once my obsession with them kicks in.

The show finished just after eleven and a couple of my friends went off to buy 1975 tour tshirts from inside the venue, which cost them £20. Outside on the Academy steps, dodgy looking men were selling tour tshirts for £10 but for a band who I don't love love love, a tenner is still a bit much. However, down at the end of Stockwell Road, an ever dodgier-looking man had similar ones for £5. I thought it was a freaking bargain so I bought one for me, and one for my best friend who spent all her money on a crazy sized poster of the lead singer, Matt Healy. I think she's going to start stalking him. Taking fangirling to the extremes.

I also really love the back of the shirt, and that it has all the tour dates (something which the £20 ones didn't!). My incredibly self-righteous friend slated me for not supporting the band by buying their merchandise and for encouraging the production of counterfeit clothing bla bla, but at least I was supporting the dodgy-looking man, right? The guy probably has a family to feed!

Let me know if you've been to see The 1975 or want to - which is something I'd definitely recommend! (The lights and staging were just wow!). I'll leave you with my aforementioned favourite song of theirs, Chocolate:

(Chocolate is apparently slang for heroin - who knew? Well not me, that's fo sho)

1 comment:

  1. Brixton was where I had my first gig experience too! I went to see All Time Low and it was AWESOME! It looks like you had fun, I really want to see them live, I haven't been to a gig for so long, it sucks! I know what you mean about forgetting about it though, you'll start to remember it, especially when you listen to their songs and you hear one that you heard live, you relive the memory and it's the best feeling ever! xxxx
