
Monday, 5 January 2015

Hi, 2015

The first four days of this year haven't been too eventful. On New Year's Day, my family and I headed to the Harry Potter studio tour in Watford for a little look around, and to sample some butterbeer - not overly delicious, by the way! The little sets and props were really interesting to look at but even though I'm a huge Potterhead, it didn't really grab me. I just love the books and films so much, and seeing behind the scenes kind of just brings a sense of reality to something so magical. It was still a fun day though!

I spent a solid ten hours at my boyf's house on Friday 2nd, just chillllin and eating a lot of pizza. We also watched Shutter Island, and wow, it's such a mindfuck of a film. If you liked Inception then this is definitely something you'll love (and not just because it also happens to star the god that is Leo DiCaprio!). Go and watch it!!! I also met some of his family's friends and was introduced to them as the girlfriend which was kind of a bit weird but fun, and we drank hot winter Rekorderlig cider.

Yesterday I met up with two of my friends who I hadn't seen since September for our traditional McDonald's trip, followed by a walk around da shops. I didn't buy anything though because the reality of having verrrry little money for things like rent for my halls and for my Aldi food shops has set in. I'm going to be very poor soon and I'm dreading it.

Today, I slept in until 1.10pm (perhaps a new record for me?) and spent a few hours making dinner for my family. My parents and I then watched Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets before they went off to bed. So here I am, writing quite possibly the most mundane post to ever grace the pages of this blog. You don't have to read it, like you could potentially die of boredom. One of my oldest friends is treating me to lunch tomorrow so I'm going to just not eat until then, and then absolutely stuff myself silly. It's going to be great.

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