
Tuesday, 12 April 2016


It feels so strange to be sitting down to write a blog post again after nearly four months of silence here, especially as I used to post around 15 times a month. These last four months have gone by in a flash and nothing seems to be slowing down. I blink and the day's over. I blink twice and another week has whizzed past. I've been insanely busy for these first four months of 2016. I've handed in seven assignments for uni (only one left for this year!), had three presentations (which I absolutely loathed), and spent lots of time with my lovely friends, my even lovelier boyfriend, and my fabulous family.

I started this blog in 2012 when I was 16. Life was great - still is - but I think I felt like there was this kind of void to fill. Almost like the life I was living didn't match up to the life I wanted and pictured in my head. Don't get me wrong, I was really happy, but there was this part of me that sort of felt incomplete. Does this sound really lame? Maybe. Writing lots and posting fun photos and interacting with other bloggers filled that hole and everything was fantastic. But a time came a year or two ago when I found that not blogging for a week didn't feel that weird at all. Like, I didn't feel compelled to sit down and bash out 1000 words about how I was feeling anymore.

So I stopped. Things especially dwindled once I moved to uni. That was also the time my boyfriend and I got more serious, so I was focusing on him and all my new pals and staying in touch with my family and friends from back home that blogging took a back seat. And I didn't really miss it at all.

This blog has never been a fashion or beauty focused blog, but that's what most people are interested in reading so that's what I used to try and write about. But it's not really me. You know, I was reading back over some old blog posts here last week and the one I enjoyed the most was my summary of Summer 2014. That was such a good time and I'm so glad I sat down here and took the time to write about it. Likewise, I posted about my first two weeks at uni and I found them so fun to read back on. I love documenting my life because I love looking back on it and remembering the person I was. It's not that I would say I've particularly changed, but I like reading about what 16 year old me thought about everything.

So I suppose this is kind of a pledge to myself to start blogging again. Not for page views (which I used to be obsessed with) or comments or follows (likewise) but for me. This is my little spot on the internet (cheesy line, I know) and it houses so much of my thoughts and personality from the past almost 4 years that it would be such a waste, such a shame, to give it up now.

It's my 20th birthday tomorrow so I'm writing this now on my last day of being a teenager. My teens have been incredible so I'm hoping to do a little summary post (my favourites to read back!) later.

Over and out xo.

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