
Saturday, 27 January 2018

2018 so far

Not a lot has occurred in my little life since we last spoke. And by "last spoke", I mean since I last could be bothered to bash out a blog post. I can probably separate this update into just a few sections, because I don't actually get up to a lot.

1) WORK. Work is fabulous. I love my job. Mostly, I just process utility bills and sort out issues clients are having with their energy suppliers. I love the people I work with, and how everyone is really silly, meaning that most days I cry with laughter at some point. At the end of November, I was called into a meeting with my boss. I was almost shaking visibly because I was so nervous that I was in some kind of trouble. It turned out though to be an excellent meeting because he informed me that the company was looking to expand their marketing team and wanted to try me out for the role. I've been writing bits and pieces for the client newsletter, sitting in on marketing meetings, and I've just been sent a brief for my first substantial piece for the website. I'm nervous in case they think I'm crap, but also excited because I love researching a topic and then turning all that knowledge into an engaging, flowing text. My boss has also suggested that I go up to Liverpool for a sales conference in March which would be really exciting (if everything falls into place!), and allow me to understand the industry even better. It's safe to say, at the moment, that I'm just excited to wake up and go into work every day. It's been four months of working in a proper corporate office environment and the novelty hasn't worn off yet. I love it.

2) FRIENDS AND FAMILY. The two most important Fs in life (along with FOOD). I've come to realise that I don't have many friends. I have three best friends who live in the area, a few close ones who are still away at uni, and a couple of larger friendship groups who I see together a few times a year. In terms of who I can call in an emergency, though, not many. I joined a running club at the end of last year which has got me spending time with fellow running-obsessed people and provides a bit of socialisation, but apart from that - and seeing my best friends from school - I don't have much in the way of a social life. Don't get me wrong, I do something with a friend or two most weekends, but I find it so hard during the week to make time for anyone or anything. I spend a lot of time with my parents (given that I live in their house now) and they've actually become two of my best friends. As I've got older, we've started to get on even better, and I can quite happily spend hours with them each evening.

3) LOVE. My love life is a shambles. If you happen to have read my previous blog posts (unlikely), you'll know that I was seeing a guy who I thought I met under the perfect circumstances, arranged by the love gods themselves. How wrong I was. We dated for about four weeks before I started having doubts, and six weeks before I ended things. The guy couldn't move things along slowly, and was calling me his girlfriend after having met me literally seven times. I can't deal with stuff like that, and the generally creepy, weirdo vibes had me running for the hills. I'm so glad all that's over. A few weeks after all those shenanigans, we had our work Christmas do at a very fancy hotel. I got chatting to one of the guys there who I hadn't spoken to before. We spent all night together and were quite close, with people saying that we looked like we already looked like a couple etc etc. Fast forward three days, I had a social media stalk and found that he has a long term girlfriend who he neglected to mention all night! What a rat. More recently - as in the last couple of weeks - I've been chatting to someone else from a different department at work who, a thorough social media inspection has revealed, is also not single. What about my face says "yes, flirt with me and give me inappropriate attention, even if you have a girlfriend, and then make a mug of me"?! I'm sick of it. Trust no one, girls. Even the (seemingly) good eggs are actually bad eggs. Everyone is a bad egg. This is what 2018 has taught me so far.

4) RUNNING. During the winter of 2017, I was lucky enough to gain personal best times in all distances: 01.26.48 for 10 miles in October, 47.57 for a 10k in November, and 23.03 for a 5k in December. I've started competing for my running club's cross country team in the Surrey League and ended up coming in as second from my club in our most recent race. I felt so proud because I haven't done proper club racing since school, and it's so nice to have that camaraderie with everyone. A week before Christmas, I came down with a leg injury and so have scaled back the running a bit. I feel a bit cooped up but I'm slowly getting back to it with the help of massages from my physio, and my trusty foam roller (if you know, you know!). I did a pain-free 5k this morning and I'm aiming for an easy 10k tomorrow, so it's looking hopeful!

Despite the lack of romance in my life, I'm actually the happiest I've ever been. I'm getting so much fulfillment out of running and my beautiful friends and family, that I don't feel I'm lacking anything. And even though I've bitched about guys being bad eggs, etc etc, realistically I don't have time for anyone, good egg or not. I'm going to make the most of this year and use it to work on my career, my friendships, and upping my miles. Here's to a happy, healthy, successful 2018 for everyone!